Federal government and provinces commit to funding universal FTTP and LTE
Based on the ISED estimate of $50 billion or $5 billion per year to achieve FTTP ubiquity over 10-years, the CRTC and Infrastructure Canada commit to providing $16.67 billion in taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies to TSPs over the next 10-years to 2030 matched by $16.67 billion from provinces, and $16.67 billion from TSPs to achieve ubiquitous FTTP; including fibre to the tower to enable ubiquitous LTE. By including a national dig-once policy mandate these costs could be significantly reduced and absorbed in road construction and renewal projects.
By ubiquitous it means, to every resident, farm, and business, and every municipal, provincial and government site and asset. This is required in order to provide equitable access to the digital economy and society, as well as enabling smart transportation, smart utilities, smart homes and buildings and smart government services to put Canada at the leading edge of the digital economy versus our Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) peers, whom Canada has been falling behind.